What a weekend!!
I went to Fort Worth on Friday afternoon to spend the weekend up there. For as little sleep that I got, it was a refreshing weekend, with a wake up call in life thrown in there.
Friday and Saturday morning were spend hanging out with my mom and brother. I love them. It was great to just catch up and talk about life. I wish my dad could have been there, but he is away on a business trip.
Let me start off by saying that I had my first bridal shower and it was so much fun, and strange. It was great to see some old friends, and family that I haven't seen in a while. My aunt and grandmother threw me the shower at the club house of their condo residence and it was gorgeous. Very simple and elegant. It was a recipe shower so people sent in their favorite recipes. I am trying one of them this week, and will have to let everyone know how it goes. I wish I had taken ONE picture while I was there, but I didn't. I was too wrapped on seeing people and catching up. I say that it was strange, because all the attention was on me. It was awkward opening gifts and having to show everyone what it was, it was awkward when people would ask me about A and the wedding. I never really know what to say. Does anyone else ever feel that way?
Saturday night was an experience. I have this group of girlfriends in north Texas that are just plain awesome. We all know each other from difference experiences but yet, we all get along and just have a blast together. I was not in the mood/idea that it was going to be a "Night out on the town" but I was wrong. We started off with dinner at Mannys, proceeded to a really cool place called The Rustic and ended the night as the wild and crazy dancing old women at some bar called 6th street. By the time we got back to Euless it was almost 3:30 am... AM!! But it was a night of laughs, and great memories made. I didn't realize how much I missed those girls until that evening.

Yes, there is a picture of two of them on their phones because for some reason, this group LOVES snap chat (and group chats in general)We would have conversations with a girl at the other end of the table, thru snapchat. It is quite hilarious and I have some GREAT screen shots that I promised I wouldn't put on Facebook :)
I mention in the beginning that there was a wake up call involved in the weekend. My bestie and I woke up Sunday morning to some bad news. One of the girls that was with us, had been pulled over on the way home and was currently sitting in jail for a DWI. I didn't drink enough to be worried about me, but it seemed to really punch me in the stomach. Should I have done more to stop her from driving? What could I have done differently? I thought about it the entire way home and the consciences that she will face and how it will change her life, and it really made me be thankfully for my life.
Overall, I would give the weekend an A. It was MUCH needed for my overall mentality of life. I have been struggling with my job/career and it was good to change it up and remember the good times in life.
We are about 55 days away from the wedding, so things are about to get CRAZY BUSY and I am SO excited for it. It still all seems surreal. But I am ready. If all goes right, invitations will go out sometime this week, and I can start working on the small details of the wedding. EEKKK
Well, I need to get some work done. Hope everyone has a great Monday.