So, Since its the summer and I have an unlimited amount of time on my hands I have been doing several things during the middle of the day. Improving my Tennis skills, Watching Greys on Netflix, and playing on pinterest even more than usual. (Its really sad to be honest). Several things I have found on pinterest that interest me!
I have lived in sevearl different places, and think this would be awesome to make.
**Sappiness Warning**
Its been almost 9 months, and I still feel this way whenever I see Anthony.
Thinking a little too far ahead.. But Anthony LOVES Disney World so I am sure he would really enjoy these sweatshirts.
Never thought about painting strips on a wall like this.
TOTALLY happening for TCU football this year!!
So, I saw both movies. I saw Ted on date night. I can honestly say I didnt pay attention to one bit of the movie. I had a horrible migraine.
Magic Mike- HORRIBLE MOVIE. Probably the WORST filming and "Plot" I have ever seen in a movie. But did I go see it twice (Early bird prices the first time, and then the second someone had a gift card). Channing Tatum is absolutly gorgeous!