I absolutely LOVE Christmas time. It is so much fun and the whole feel in the air is just different. For me it is like " BAM" December 1st, its a great feeling.
One of the things that I love about Christmas.... Christmas Cards. Julie can vouch that I have wanted to send a joint Christmas card with Anthony since we started dating. Once we got engaged, there were several things immediately decided; outside/indoor ceremony, destination/here, can we do a Christmas card this year?
I got a yes, if we do an awkward/ugly sweater Christmas card. So we had a session with a great friend of mine. Her name is Ashley Murphy and she is the owner of Ashley Murphy Photography. If you are in the Houston area, use her my friends!!!
And then I saved the best for last. This is my FAVORITE picture of AnthonyIt is just him in a nutshell
That is just a preview!!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Football over = Freedom
Yes, with our high school football season being done, it leads to more freedom and time to get things accomplished. Accomplishing wedding tasks have been the top of the list.
I haven't really talked much about the wedding planning on here, nor on Facebook for that fact. I don't feel like everyone should know all the wedding details. Somethings need to be left a surprise. That and probably 80% of my Facebook is not invited to our wedding.
But I feel like getting out some of the wedding talk now. So forgive me!!
We are getting married at a golf course in a town about 40 minutes from where we live. It is brand new. I believe their first weddings were actually in May of this year. It is an all inclusive, one location for everything type of place. Let me tell you, that is awesome in my opinion.
People keep asking me if I am stressed about the whole thing, or if I am losing any sleep over it and maybe I'm not doing it right because overall I'm not stressed. Yes, the money aspect of it gets to me sometimes. But that is expected. Its not cheap. You can do it cheap, but this isn't a cheap wedding. I have just been taking things day by day. I have a venue, a dress, my bridal party, photography (AND engagement pictures done), appointments set up for invitations, cake tasting and flowers. I am 90% sure on the bridesmaids dress just need to figure out the logistics (3 of my 4 live out of town, 2 of the 4 live out of state), and our catering set.
For being engaged only 3 months, I think I have made quite the progress!! I still have a ton of little things to do, but they will get done. I am not worried. :)
Speaking of engagement pictures though, holy crap that was an experience. Our photography is an "organic photographer" which I think means she uses mostly natural light. So she had us "frolicking" in fields. It was fun though. I have always looked at engagement pictures and thought " wow, I hope my man and I can look that in love in pictures" I hope ours turn out like we are romantic and in love. We certainly are both of those, but we are quirky as well.
Well, that is my update!! Hope everyone has a great day.
I haven't really talked much about the wedding planning on here, nor on Facebook for that fact. I don't feel like everyone should know all the wedding details. Somethings need to be left a surprise. That and probably 80% of my Facebook is not invited to our wedding.
But I feel like getting out some of the wedding talk now. So forgive me!!
We are getting married at a golf course in a town about 40 minutes from where we live. It is brand new. I believe their first weddings were actually in May of this year. It is an all inclusive, one location for everything type of place. Let me tell you, that is awesome in my opinion.
People keep asking me if I am stressed about the whole thing, or if I am losing any sleep over it and maybe I'm not doing it right because overall I'm not stressed. Yes, the money aspect of it gets to me sometimes. But that is expected. Its not cheap. You can do it cheap, but this isn't a cheap wedding. I have just been taking things day by day. I have a venue, a dress, my bridal party, photography (AND engagement pictures done), appointments set up for invitations, cake tasting and flowers. I am 90% sure on the bridesmaids dress just need to figure out the logistics (3 of my 4 live out of town, 2 of the 4 live out of state), and our catering set.
For being engaged only 3 months, I think I have made quite the progress!! I still have a ton of little things to do, but they will get done. I am not worried. :)
Speaking of engagement pictures though, holy crap that was an experience. Our photography is an "organic photographer" which I think means she uses mostly natural light. So she had us "frolicking" in fields. It was fun though. I have always looked at engagement pictures and thought " wow, I hope my man and I can look that in love in pictures" I hope ours turn out like we are romantic and in love. We certainly are both of those, but we are quirky as well.
Well, that is my update!! Hope everyone has a great day.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
The Thankful Project Day 8-13
AHHHHH I have been do bad about this. I had a weekend that wasn't to enjoyable. I had a family emergency and had to go out of town. Thankfully, everything has turned out okay. So today's link up will be very short and sweet. But I feel like I need to continue the project.
Day 8: Words ---------"Live for the moments you can't put into words"
Day 9: A Photo
Day 10: A Memory------Graduating from college.
Day 11: Something you were taught------- Change is good.
Day 12: An Opportunity--------- To live overseas and experience a whole different world.
Day 13: An Ability------ my ability to support myself. Financially. I feel like this is something in this day and age that I am extremely thankful for.
Will do more tomorrow!!
Day 8: Words ---------"Live for the moments you can't put into words"
Day 9: A Photo
Day 10: A Memory------Graduating from college.
Day 11: Something you were taught------- Change is good.
Day 12: An Opportunity--------- To live overseas and experience a whole different world.
Day 13: An Ability------ my ability to support myself. Financially. I feel like this is something in this day and age that I am extremely thankful for.
Will do more tomorrow!!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
The Thankful Project Day 7: A Job
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The Thankful Project |
Day 7: A Job.
I am thankful for my job. After being let go from my first job (Read here) I applied to 10 or so jobs. I even went on several interviews. I obviously didn't get any of them. :( I started looking for a new job in April, and when July came around. I was starting to get very nervous. I had a small back up plan, but it really wasn't something I wanted to do.
One day in the middle of July, a friend that worked at a different high school in the same area sent me a text to stop being upset and to send him my resume. His assistant had taken a job at a different high school and he had a position open at his high school.
I am beyond thankful that he wanted to hire me, and give me a job!!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
The Thankful Project Day 6: A Failure
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The Thankful Project Link Up |
Linking up with again over at Chasing Happy for the Thankful Project. Today is day 6. I can say that I have done the past 5 days on the day they should be done. This is huge for me! I almost forgot on Sunday, but I got it done :)
Today the prompt is A Failure. My masters degree. Huge failure on my part. School is not my thing. I have never had the interest in it, nor have I had the desire to be in school. Regardless of the subject.
I have started my masters twice. Two different schools. Have no finished. I am not Thankful at all for this. But it is just a simple reminder that it is something I have failed at.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
The Thankful Project Day 5: A Talent
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Link up |
What talent am I thankful to have?...... I am not sure if this is a talent or just something that I find important so I make sure it gets done. Keeping in contact with people. Like I said, I don't think it is a legit talent.
I was lucky enough to have lived in several different countries as a kid and meet a ton of people. I love to catch up with those people, and see how their lives are going. I enjoy sending birthday cards, and random texts on a Wednesday. I also love to send out Christmas, Valentines day, Halloween, and St. Patrick day cards. (Strange, I know!)
Facebook helps me out a lot. I have thought about deleting it several times over the last year or two, but I always come back to the decision to keep it. It is a great tool to keep up with family and friends around that live around the world. I get to see pictures of engagement rings, baby pictures, new job announcements, or even just small changes in life.
All in all, I just love to keep in contact with people, so I claim it as my talent. A talent that I am thankful for.
Monday, November 4, 2013
The Thankful Project Day 4: An Experience
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The Thankful Project |
If you haven't noticed, I am participating in something called the Thankful Project. It was started by Chasing Happy. I love her blog. Always such deep post that make you think about life.
Today's prompt: An Experience. Fair warning, this is quite a long post.
Being a "Budget Cut" from my first job. I have a vivid memory of this experience. Sitting in my car in the school parking lot just crying. Uncontrollably crying. This was my first "real job" I had put my heart and soul into this job. I loved the kids, my coaches, everything.
My coworker and I had been told on a Monday that we needed to meet with the Superintended that Wednesday regarding our jobs. Schools in the state of Texas were about to have some major budget cuts, and our jobs apparently were on the chopping block. Wednesday came around, and my Athletic Director came in my office. I remember the conversation like it was yesterday
AD: Is Josh* here? * Name has been changed**
Me: Not yet
AD: Okay, well I need you to come to my office at 1030 this morning.
Me: Its me isn't it. I am going to be a budget cut
AD: (looked down at the ground) Just please come see me and the Assistant Superintendent at 1030.
I had to go to a staff meeting prior to the meeting. I remember sitting in the meeting next to a coaching friend of mine and we were passing a note book about questions I needed to ask. I had never been let go before, I didn't know to ask about health insurance, severance pay etc. All the while, our principle was standing there talking about how the budget cuts were not going to affect any of our teachers. "We will not be losing any teachers." He kept saying. I am not technically a teacher. I am an Athletic Trainer. I do not have a teaching certification, hence how he could stand there and say that. He stood there and wouldn't look at me either, he knew what was about to happen. I left the meeting early to go to my other meeting.
I just cried the whole time. I know that isn't the professional thing. But I just cried. I was so unhappy. I was truly heart broken. As I write this, I am tearing up.
After all was said and done, I went to my car and just cried. I called my mom, my dad and my best friend. I was lost and had no idea what to do. After I semi composed myself, I went back to the Athletic Training room where I had a room full of athletes and my students waiting on me. Another Athletic Trainer who happens to be a close family friend of mine happened to be at the school. Him, my head AT and I sat in our office and just talked. I was mad, sad, and just not okay. I left school early that day.
After school we had scheduled a meeting with our students because my coworker would be gone starting that Thursday (the very next day) for a month for shoulder surgery (Yes, school district let me know on a Wednesday that my job wasn't important enough to keep for the next year... the day before my coworker was about to take a month off. So hey, you don't have a job next year, but please stay for the next month and do the job of two people by yourself... Thanks a whole lot). Well I left before the meeting, and to just make the whole situation even worse.. my coworker told all our kids a that meeting.
"hey, I am just going to say this now... Ms.Oney won't be back next year"
So I got to go to school the next morning, putting out fires with that. It was like living it over. I had parents calling me, kids crying in my office, I was stopped in the hallway and everything. It sucked.
BUT, the reason that I am thankful for that experience is because I never would have met my fiance, I never would have been able to work with one of my best friends for the last 2 years, and I wouldn't have gone through such an event that has shaped me and helped me as a professional. I can now take the good things from it.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
The Thankful Project: A Place
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Thankful Project |
The prompt for today is "A Place"
Doesn't take me long to come up with a place, actually it took less than 2 seconds. This place is somewhere that I hold dearly.
This place is ......
Pawleys Island, South Carolina. I wish I was better with words to describe how much I love this place. This is what I considered "home" for a long time while we lived in Asia. We use to go for 2-3 weeks and rent a house. We had family friends that owned a house down there and we would always be there with them. It was like a mini family reunion, but not blood family. We would always have friends from other countries come stay for a couple days, and/or family would make the drive.
One of my favorite things about this place is that it is serene peaceful and above most just relaxing. During our years of coming to Pawleys, my family and I moved countries 3 times. So going there every summer was always normal. I grew up there in the summers. I went from not liking boys, to finding boys attractive, to having my first crush/kiss happen while there.
This place is truly home to me. I am Thankful for the people there and the memories that were created.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
The Thankful Project Day 2: A role you've played
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The Thankful Project |
Today's prompt is "A Role You've Played". This is new role for me to play, as of recently. But the role of Fiance. I am blessed to be engaged to an amazing man. A and I started dating in the fall of 2011. It was a rocky start, but it has turned into something so amazing.
I have had troubled relationships in the past. Majority of the issues being my self-esteem and falling for losers. A is not a loser!!! He is actually someone that I never thought I deserved.
A is sweet, caring, funny, smart, talented, OCD, and above all he is a big kid. He always puts a smile on my face and knows how to cheer me up after a bad day at work.
I feel that all those things about A helps me be the best fiance I can be. I love being there for him, leaving him sweet notes, making sure he has his work shirts already ironed for when he comes home and needs one because he forgot he had a business meeting (happened more than once). Most of all, I feel like he makes me a better person. So Thank You A!!!
Friday, November 1, 2013
The Thankful Project Day 1: A Person
I am so excited for this project!! Lets see if I can remember to do it everything though. That will be a tough one for me.
Today's thankful is a Person. This one is hard for me. There are a ton of people that I am thankful to have in my life. Picking one person wasn't easy for me. But, considering what is going in my life right now I chose to be thankful for my father today.
My dad is an incredible man. His job didn't allow him to be around much when I was growing up, but I can say that he was always there for the important things. My dad has sacrificed alot of things for our family. The older I get, the more I am realizing the values him and my mother instilled in me.
So Thank You Dad. You are an inspiration to me.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Why I started this
I started this blog a while ago, but it never seemed to take off. To be honest, I got bored with it. I spent time reading others peoples blog and think "wow, I wish my blog would be like this, I wish my life was as perfect as those people".
But it clicked sometime over the weekend. I am not a writer. I have no ability to write elegantly, or grab peoples attention. That isn't what this blog was suppose to be. It was suppose to be a way for me to capture my life and keep it as a memory. To look back and see how life was. Why did I get away from that?
So, I have stopped worrying about what people will think, how many followers I will have, and just post. My grammar wont always be right, and I know it won't always be interesting. I can also promise, it won't be nearly up to par as some of the blogs out there. But that is okay. This is for me.
So what has been happening lately? For one, I am getting married!! I can't believe it. A proposed in August and so far wedding planning hasn't been to stressful. The one thing that gets to me is the budget aspect. It isn't cheap to get married. Yes, You can do it cheap. But its hard. I do have nights where I look at my budget worksheet and I just want to cry. I am lucky enough to have a wonderful Fiance who listens to me and then says "We will make it work". He is just amazing to me.
Other things, my friends all seem to be having babies and strangly, I am okay with that (not that I have a say in the matter). I am not happy with my career, I am not creative, last but not least, (a good one) I am getting my health on track.
With all that being said, I am going to try and update more. Hope everyone has a nice Monday!
But it clicked sometime over the weekend. I am not a writer. I have no ability to write elegantly, or grab peoples attention. That isn't what this blog was suppose to be. It was suppose to be a way for me to capture my life and keep it as a memory. To look back and see how life was. Why did I get away from that?
So, I have stopped worrying about what people will think, how many followers I will have, and just post. My grammar wont always be right, and I know it won't always be interesting. I can also promise, it won't be nearly up to par as some of the blogs out there. But that is okay. This is for me.
So what has been happening lately? For one, I am getting married!! I can't believe it. A proposed in August and so far wedding planning hasn't been to stressful. The one thing that gets to me is the budget aspect. It isn't cheap to get married. Yes, You can do it cheap. But its hard. I do have nights where I look at my budget worksheet and I just want to cry. I am lucky enough to have a wonderful Fiance who listens to me and then says "We will make it work". He is just amazing to me.
Other things, my friends all seem to be having babies and strangly, I am okay with that (not that I have a say in the matter). I am not happy with my career, I am not creative, last but not least, (a good one) I am getting my health on track.
With all that being said, I am going to try and update more. Hope everyone has a nice Monday!
Monday, October 21, 2013
I obviously haven't written a post in months! Things are just crazy busy and so much is going on in life. But I still keep up with other blogs and really enjoy reading them. I came across a fun project for November. It is called the Thankful Project from The Chasing Happyblog.
Who wants to join and do it with me :)
Monday, July 1, 2013
Half way thru 2013!!!
A friend posted on Facebook that today marks the middle of the year and that it is a great time to look at those New Years Resolutions. What a great idea!! So here we go
1. Pay off my current credit card debit (never a fun one) - This one was accomplished!!!!
2. Get into Yoga.- I am slowly getting into this. I have been doing a version of yoga, or yoga 2 times a week.
3. Run a 10 K- ACCOMPLISHED!! I am proud of that. May 25th. I ran my first 10K with Julie. It was pretty great.
4. Run the 10 for Texas- Signed up for that. It will be ran on October 12th.
5. Go on a Cruise (One is already scheduled for March 7-11)- Yes, it was scheduled. I happen to be scheduled for the Triumph Cruise. After this major diaster. They cancelled the next 12 cruises. We were in that 12. Boo
6. Go to SantaWonderland during the Christmas Season- Not Christmas yet.
7. Get a Job for the summer. (I get summers off from work.. lucky I know... but I get bored sometimes.) - Decided against this one. I planned to many trips :)
8. Go see a great friend in Kansas this Summer- Wanted to, but the money just isn't there.
9. Check off at least 1 state I have never been to.- Check!! Went to Ruidosa New Mexico last week. It was a great time!
Not to bad! I am on track to accomplish all this year :) Exciting!!
Friday, June 7, 2013
Summer list
Wow it has certainly been quite some time since I have written a post. I figured the best way to start back is to do a summer bucket list!! (I just love list!)
1. Increase my running mileage to 15 miles a week.
2. Get in a minimal of 4 days of 60+ minutes of activity
3. Try new classes at the YMCA. So far I have tried 2!! And really enjoyed them
4. Get into yoga
5. Crossfit!!! First class is this Saturday.
6. Take several trips to see some friends
7. Get Blue (the kitty) to lose 4 lbs. She went to the vet today and is 14 lbs!!!
8. Organize my crap. Yes my crap. I need to declutter and get rid of stuff
9. Finish 3 books. Two are the Duck Dynasty books and I need help on another one!! Any suggestions
And last but not least
10. Get rid of my damn headaches!! I have been some major headaches again lately. I need to really figure out the problem.
That's it for me today. My bestie is one here way to town and I need to get ready. I miss her!!!
Hope ya have a great day!!
1. Increase my running mileage to 15 miles a week.
2. Get in a minimal of 4 days of 60+ minutes of activity
3. Try new classes at the YMCA. So far I have tried 2!! And really enjoyed them
4. Get into yoga
5. Crossfit!!! First class is this Saturday.
6. Take several trips to see some friends
7. Get Blue (the kitty) to lose 4 lbs. She went to the vet today and is 14 lbs!!!
8. Organize my crap. Yes my crap. I need to declutter and get rid of stuff
9. Finish 3 books. Two are the Duck Dynasty books and I need help on another one!! Any suggestions
And last but not least
10. Get rid of my damn headaches!! I have been some major headaches again lately. I need to really figure out the problem.
That's it for me today. My bestie is one here way to town and I need to get ready. I miss her!!!
Hope ya have a great day!!
Monday, April 15, 2013
5 for five
It has been a couple weeks since I have joined in on this link up. Figured it was time to do it again, so here we go!!
I am linking up with Jenn and Jessica for 5 for Five again this week.
I am linking up with Jenn and Jessica for 5 for Five again this week.
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Green means Accomplish
Red mean Boo I failed
Purple means... I sort of started!!
This Weeks Goals:
1. Limit Carbs. I have been working on limiting sodium, and have been very successful with that. So I will now move on to carbs.
2. Do not eat out for lunch during the week. Last week really threw a wrench in my eating out/planning food. It really showed on the scale yesterday.
3. Get in cardio 4x this week. I got in 3 times last week!! Now I need to add one more day. I found some great treadmill workouts to do.
4. Blog at least 2 times this week. (This one counts hehe)
5. Keep room clean. Pretty self explanatory.
Hope everyone has a great week!!
1. Limit Carbs. I have been working on limiting sodium, and have been very successful with that. So I will now move on to carbs.
2. Do not eat out for lunch during the week. Last week really threw a wrench in my eating out/planning food. It really showed on the scale yesterday.
3. Get in cardio 4x this week. I got in 3 times last week!! Now I need to add one more day. I found some great treadmill workouts to do.
4. Blog at least 2 times this week. (This one counts hehe)
5. Keep room clean. Pretty self explanatory.
Hope everyone has a great week!!
Friday, April 12, 2013
Happy people do these things...
As I was Facebook stalking people the other day, I came across this awesome list. It is called the 22 Things Happy People Do Differently. I know that I post at lot of lists, so I decided to split it up in two post. I really enjoyed this list and am going to try and work on some of these things. Enjoy reading.
1. Don’t hold grudges.
2. Treat everyone with kindness.
3. See problems as challenges. This one really stands out to me. I like the idea of this.
4. Express gratitude for what they already have.
5. Dream big.
6. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
7. Speak well of others.
8. Never make excuses.
9. Get absorbed into the present.
10. Wake up at the same time every morning.
11. Avoid social comparison. This is a hard one for me. I compare myself to people all the time.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
2 in 1 day? + a workout
I have never blogged twice in one day. Today is just an exception!! As you know from my last blog. Today is not a happy go lucky day for me. I was just not feeling it. I figured out that I was having major anxiety about a work thing tomorrow. I don't like going into an event and not knowing the logistics of everything. It makes me really stressed.
After talking to my awesome roommate/district coworker (who happens to be going with me tomorrow!!) and my head AT, I feel way more calm about tomorrow.
You know what also helped? The awesome work out I just had. I don't usually post what I did, but I feel like I should today.
I started with a little super set of abs. Did 3 rounds of this.
Jump rope x 30 seconds
Standing Core Stabilazation x 12 w/ 10 lb kb
Bow Extension x 12 w/ 10 lb kb
Reverse DB Chop x 15 w/ 10lb kb
Followed by a run/walk 20 minute Treadmill Hill Workout. I have been doing this workout for a while now. I usually end up changing the MPH to lower or holding on while during an increased incline. I decided that I wouldn't do that today. Guess what? It was awesome an a*s kicker. I even had to up the MPH on some of them because I wanted a better burn. (Go me!!)
I know this is a short work out. But I feel like it worked well for me. I hate abs and I hate cardio. So on a day when its just that... I am never looking forward to it and I usual do it half a*s.
Also, a small update on the medicine/weight loss. I had been taking my Thyroid Medicine for about a month now. I have seen a 4 lbs weight loss. I was upset about this, until I thought about it harder last night. That is a lb a week. So, I really shouldn't be complaining and should be happy with that. So I am going to be happy with it.
Yesterday was the first and ONLY day that I didn't take my medicine. (I am not going to lie, I forgot to fill it and then go pick it up. Opps) Well, yesterday I was tired. Not just, eh I am tired, but let me take 2 short naps and then barely keep my eyes open the rest of the time tired. I haven't felt that tired since before I started taking my Thyroid medicine. It is safe to say that I have seen some great improvements with the medicine. I go back in the beginning of June to see how my blood work looks with the medicine.
I will have to post another update on some of the great things this medicine is doing for me!!
Hope everyone has a great Tuesday
After talking to my awesome roommate/district coworker (who happens to be going with me tomorrow!!) and my head AT, I feel way more calm about tomorrow.
You know what also helped? The awesome work out I just had. I don't usually post what I did, but I feel like I should today.
I started with a little super set of abs. Did 3 rounds of this.
Jump rope x 30 seconds
Standing Core Stabilazation x 12 w/ 10 lb kb
Bow Extension x 12 w/ 10 lb kb
Reverse DB Chop x 15 w/ 10lb kb
Followed by a run/walk 20 minute Treadmill Hill Workout. I have been doing this workout for a while now. I usually end up changing the MPH to lower or holding on while during an increased incline. I decided that I wouldn't do that today. Guess what? It was awesome an a*s kicker. I even had to up the MPH on some of them because I wanted a better burn. (Go me!!)
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I know this is a short work out. But I feel like it worked well for me. I hate abs and I hate cardio. So on a day when its just that... I am never looking forward to it and I usual do it half a*s.
Also, a small update on the medicine/weight loss. I had been taking my Thyroid Medicine for about a month now. I have seen a 4 lbs weight loss. I was upset about this, until I thought about it harder last night. That is a lb a week. So, I really shouldn't be complaining and should be happy with that. So I am going to be happy with it.
Yesterday was the first and ONLY day that I didn't take my medicine. (I am not going to lie, I forgot to fill it and then go pick it up. Opps) Well, yesterday I was tired. Not just, eh I am tired, but let me take 2 short naps and then barely keep my eyes open the rest of the time tired. I haven't felt that tired since before I started taking my Thyroid medicine. It is safe to say that I have seen some great improvements with the medicine. I go back in the beginning of June to see how my blood work looks with the medicine.
I will have to post another update on some of the great things this medicine is doing for me!!
Hope everyone has a great Tuesday
Its only Tuesday
I woke up this morning and I was just not feeling it. I was trying to explain to my bestie how I was feeling and just couldn't put it into words. Happened to find this beauty on Yahoo News today. I don't usually watch the videos, but it had a frog in it. (I am obsessed). For your enjoyment, I present....
The Frog who Failed
I couldn't figure out how to embed the video, so just click on the link!! sorry. I am not tech savvy.
Courtsey of Grindtv.com
The Frog who Failed
I couldn't figure out how to embed the video, so just click on the link!! sorry. I am not tech savvy.
Courtsey of Grindtv.com
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
3 things
I have been trying for the past couple months to change my eating and workout habits. Mainly, eat better and start working out!! I think I have succeeded in those. I'm starting to see slight results from my new medicine and my workouts.
But I have decided to be more specific with some goals. I have thought a lot about these.
My first is to start limiting my sodium intake. I LOVE pickles. Like L.O.V.E them. I am lucky that my boyfriend has the strange obsession as well. But that also means that there are always pickles at his house. Currently there are 4 jars of different kinds. Sad, I know. I have noticed that I have been eating too many and retaining some water. So, I have started looking at the sodium content in some of my foods, HOLY crap!!! So goal one: Limit Sodium intake.
Secondly, Incorporate more abs into my workouts. I HATE ab work. I think I hate it bc I am so bad at it. I love making a workout for any other body part. Except abs. So I need to start doing that. If I want to reduce the inches in my waist line, then I need to start working in those muscles.
Third, do some dang cardio!!!! I think I probably do cardio 2 times a week. But I will lift 5 days. What can I say? I enjoy to lift. I dislike cardio. My running has come to a complete halt and I need to pick that up. At least do 3 days of 30+ minutes of cardio a week. Must do!!
So to recap:
Lower sodium
Do abs ( yuck)
Cardio a MINIMAL of 3 x 30+ min a week.
Those seem pretty specific and achievable for me.
Lets see if it works!!! Hope everyone has a great day.
But I have decided to be more specific with some goals. I have thought a lot about these.
My first is to start limiting my sodium intake. I LOVE pickles. Like L.O.V.E them. I am lucky that my boyfriend has the strange obsession as well. But that also means that there are always pickles at his house. Currently there are 4 jars of different kinds. Sad, I know. I have noticed that I have been eating too many and retaining some water. So, I have started looking at the sodium content in some of my foods, HOLY crap!!! So goal one: Limit Sodium intake.
Secondly, Incorporate more abs into my workouts. I HATE ab work. I think I hate it bc I am so bad at it. I love making a workout for any other body part. Except abs. So I need to start doing that. If I want to reduce the inches in my waist line, then I need to start working in those muscles.
Third, do some dang cardio!!!! I think I probably do cardio 2 times a week. But I will lift 5 days. What can I say? I enjoy to lift. I dislike cardio. My running has come to a complete halt and I need to pick that up. At least do 3 days of 30+ minutes of cardio a week. Must do!!
So to recap:
Lower sodium
Do abs ( yuck)
Cardio a MINIMAL of 3 x 30+ min a week.
Those seem pretty specific and achievable for me.
Lets see if it works!!! Hope everyone has a great day.
Monday, March 11, 2013
I love Monday when....
it is the Monday of Spring Break week!!!! Yet, at 830 guess who was wide awake and ready to tackle the day? This girl!!!
I am linking up with Jenn and Jessica for 5 for Five again this week. Don't judge me please. I did horrible.
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Green means Accomplish.... Red mean Boo I failed and Purple means... I sort of started!!
Last Weeks Goals:
1. Go to Spin Class.What is wrong with me? The one day I planned on going, I went to play tennis with my mom.
2. Run 3 days!!! NOT ONE DAY. SERIOUSLY?!?!?!
3. Go see some Camel and Ostrich Races. Planned on it 100%. We went to dinner first and that took forever so we decided to not rush dinner and enjoy ourselves.
4. Relax. I did pretty decent with this one. I found out my results and I feel like I am on the right path.
5. Take clothes to woman's Shelter. yep, didn't happen.
1/5 is horrible. I can't believe I did that bad. This week will be so much better, I promise!
1/5 is horrible. I can't believe I did that bad. This week will be so much better, I promise!
This weeks goals:
1. Run 3 days. I am on spring break, No excuse. Get off your butt and go run.
2. Take my clothes and Anthony's to the woman's shelter. Anthony cleaned out some clothes in his closet and I told him I would take them to the shelter for him.
3. Finish the current book I am reading. I am reading Drinking and Twitting. It is pretty funny. It is a nice and easy read. Which I like.
4. Take my medicine every day. This is probably going to be the hardest thing!
2. Take my clothes and Anthony's to the woman's shelter. Anthony cleaned out some clothes in his closet and I told him I would take them to the shelter for him.
3. Finish the current book I am reading. I am reading Drinking and Twitting. It is pretty funny. It is a nice and easy read. Which I like.
4. Take my medicine every day. This is probably going to be the hardest thing!
5. Finish Anthony's bathroom. This past weekend, we did some remodeling of his bathroom. I need to finish the decoration part.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Its Spring Break Friday!!!
Not only is it Friday, It is Spring Break Friday :)
I am linking up with Jeanett @ LifeRearranged for Insta-(spring break)Friday. Hope you enjoy!!
Anthony and I are re-doing his master bathroom this weekend/next week. These are the two colors that we have chosen to paint. I am strangely really excited about this little project.
The Ju Ju. She decided to use my knee as a mini pillow. She was fast asleep and snoring. She must have had a crazy busy day.
This was taken from the Lady Antebellum concert. I went with a good friend of mine. It was pretty dang cool!! Has anyone else seen Lady Antebellum?
I have decided to start taking a multi-vitamin along with my new thyroid medicine. Anyone else taking a Multi-Vitamin? if so, which one?
I stole this picture off Pinterest. Go Figure. It is what I want to do for the towel rack in Anthony's bathroom this weekend. I think it looks perfect!!
One of my meals I made for dinner this week. Grilled chicken, pasta salad and asparagus It was super yummy. I even had enough left overs for lunch the next day.
My new EC notebook!! I love it :) I wish I had ordered it much sooner. If you don't have an EC notebook, or any of her products please please go buy something!
Anthony and I went to Sea World over the past weekend. This was one of the beautiful penguins that we saw.
Along with the having an awesome trip to Sea World with Anthony, I got to chaperon the 9th grade class to the Zoo on Tuesday. The Zoo instead of work. Done!!!
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Sometimes there is just something not right
This is a fairly long post, just a warning!
I went back to the doctor today to get my blood work results. Let me start off by saying that when I called to get the results, I was told that I needed to come back and meet with the doctor. I freaked out. Not just a little, but I had a mini panic attack. I even called my mom crying.
Let me back up by saying that I have been struggling with my weight for a long time. This past couple months have been harder than ever. I gained roughly 15 lbs over the Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas time. I made a change with my eating and working out in January. I have not lost a pound. NOTHING. ( I know that muscle weighs more than fat yadda yadda, but seriously not a lb??) My bestie told me I needed to go get my blood work done. I remember standing in my parents kitchen crying because I was to scared to get it done. I was afraid something was wrong. (Denial is so much easier in my mind). But I sucked it up and went to get it done. Fast forward to the nurse telling me I needed to come in for the doctor to go over the blood work results with me, I was a mess. The re-assured me that it wasn't anything major or else the doctor would have called me several days prior and would have had me come in ASAP.
When I finally got to the room to see the doctor, I had my notebook (my lovely new EC notebook that I just got) all out and ready. Results showed 2 different things. My triglycerides and LDL's are a little high. Both of those run high on my dads side of the family and are fairly easy to take care of. The bigger problem is my thyroid. My free T3 and my free T4 are pretty low, which is an indicator for hypothyroidism. After going over several options, we decided to try putting me on a hypothyroidism medicine for 3 months. After 3 months, I will go get blood work done and see if the numbers have risen a bit.
Once I got back to work, I started to do a little more research. I had learned about hypothyroidism in college but that seems like forever ago. Insert WebMD. Probably one of the best AND worst websites out there. People can go on it and end up thinking they have some type of cancer. But to just learn about something, it is very informative. I learned that some of the stuff that I thought was just "normal" was actually a symptom. I wont bore you with the details. I just think its interesting.
This explains alot for me, but I am very glad I went to get the blood work done. It is nice to know that my hard work isn't just not good enough, that there is actually a reason I am not losing any weight. I am hoping that taking the medicine will help, and I can see some changes. Besides those two things, the doctor said I was nice and healthy. Yay!!
Hope ya'll have a great day.
I went back to the doctor today to get my blood work results. Let me start off by saying that when I called to get the results, I was told that I needed to come back and meet with the doctor. I freaked out. Not just a little, but I had a mini panic attack. I even called my mom crying.
Let me back up by saying that I have been struggling with my weight for a long time. This past couple months have been harder than ever. I gained roughly 15 lbs over the Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas time. I made a change with my eating and working out in January. I have not lost a pound. NOTHING. ( I know that muscle weighs more than fat yadda yadda, but seriously not a lb??) My bestie told me I needed to go get my blood work done. I remember standing in my parents kitchen crying because I was to scared to get it done. I was afraid something was wrong. (Denial is so much easier in my mind). But I sucked it up and went to get it done. Fast forward to the nurse telling me I needed to come in for the doctor to go over the blood work results with me, I was a mess. The re-assured me that it wasn't anything major or else the doctor would have called me several days prior and would have had me come in ASAP.
When I finally got to the room to see the doctor, I had my notebook (my lovely new EC notebook that I just got) all out and ready. Results showed 2 different things. My triglycerides and LDL's are a little high. Both of those run high on my dads side of the family and are fairly easy to take care of. The bigger problem is my thyroid. My free T3 and my free T4 are pretty low, which is an indicator for hypothyroidism. After going over several options, we decided to try putting me on a hypothyroidism medicine for 3 months. After 3 months, I will go get blood work done and see if the numbers have risen a bit.
Once I got back to work, I started to do a little more research. I had learned about hypothyroidism in college but that seems like forever ago. Insert WebMD. Probably one of the best AND worst websites out there. People can go on it and end up thinking they have some type of cancer. But to just learn about something, it is very informative. I learned that some of the stuff that I thought was just "normal" was actually a symptom. I wont bore you with the details. I just think its interesting.
This explains alot for me, but I am very glad I went to get the blood work done. It is nice to know that my hard work isn't just not good enough, that there is actually a reason I am not losing any weight. I am hoping that taking the medicine will help, and I can see some changes. Besides those two things, the doctor said I was nice and healthy. Yay!!
Hope ya'll have a great day.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
6 Things
Let try something different. One of of the blogs I found, a person was doing a 5 thing tag up. I changed it to 6. 6 things, 6 random things. I made the change because 5 is a pretty normal number. I wanted to do 6 because its just one extra thing you have to think of! They can be anything you want. I write them, then tag people. Those people continue the tagging situation.
1. I love Nutella. It is a sad obsession I can eat it by the multiple spoonfuls. I don't put it on bread or anything else. I eat it like people eat peanut butter. Which makes it semi normal right?
2. I treat my cat like she is human sometimes. I worry about her feelings and talk to her. Whenever I leave my apartment I also tell her " Bye Blue, I love you, Kisses". If someone is with me, then I just whisper it or mouth it. I feel like, even then she will know I said it. I have even gone out and spent over $50 on a bird feeder just for her. A bird feeder... for the cat... to be entertained.
3. I love to send cards, post cards, little notes. My best friend used to leave me notes in college and I loved getting them. So now I try to send them out as well.
4. I hate SPAM email. I think its creepy that someone has my email address and sends me mail. I want to report them all. But lets be honest, You can't.
5. This one, most people know about me. I worry WAY to much. I always thought my mom worried a whole bunch and it irritated me. I am just as bad as her. I get to the point where I cry because I am so worried. I cry at a lot of things anyways, but its bad that I cry when I am so worried. I get a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, and its hard for me to shake it off.
6. I love keys and peacocks. I have this gorgeous "Key and Quote" wall at the apartment. I have been trying to find new and interesting keys to put on it. Peacocks- I went to the ranch a couple months ago, and they had some gorgeous ones there. I have always loved the coloring on them, and want to do more with peacocks. Erin Condren has a peacock note cards and key note cards that I really want to buy, but they are a little out of my price range. Maybe I'll buy them in a couple months, or will ask for them for Easter. (yes my parents still give me an Easter basket. I also like to give them to other people. )
I am tagging Megan @ Growing up is Actually Kind of Fun, Julie @ Journey to 26.2 , Samantha Diane @ Striving to be a Mary in a Martha World and Emily @ Ems Grand Ideas.
1. I love Nutella. It is a sad obsession I can eat it by the multiple spoonfuls. I don't put it on bread or anything else. I eat it like people eat peanut butter. Which makes it semi normal right?
2. I treat my cat like she is human sometimes. I worry about her feelings and talk to her. Whenever I leave my apartment I also tell her " Bye Blue, I love you, Kisses". If someone is with me, then I just whisper it or mouth it. I feel like, even then she will know I said it. I have even gone out and spent over $50 on a bird feeder just for her. A bird feeder... for the cat... to be entertained.
3. I love to send cards, post cards, little notes. My best friend used to leave me notes in college and I loved getting them. So now I try to send them out as well.
4. I hate SPAM email. I think its creepy that someone has my email address and sends me mail. I want to report them all. But lets be honest, You can't.
5. This one, most people know about me. I worry WAY to much. I always thought my mom worried a whole bunch and it irritated me. I am just as bad as her. I get to the point where I cry because I am so worried. I cry at a lot of things anyways, but its bad that I cry when I am so worried. I get a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, and its hard for me to shake it off.
6. I love keys and peacocks. I have this gorgeous "Key and Quote" wall at the apartment. I have been trying to find new and interesting keys to put on it. Peacocks- I went to the ranch a couple months ago, and they had some gorgeous ones there. I have always loved the coloring on them, and want to do more with peacocks. Erin Condren has a peacock note cards and key note cards that I really want to buy, but they are a little out of my price range. Maybe I'll buy them in a couple months, or will ask for them for Easter. (yes my parents still give me an Easter basket. I also like to give them to other people. )
I am tagging Megan @ Growing up is Actually Kind of Fun, Julie @ Journey to 26.2 , Samantha Diane @ Striving to be a Mary in a Martha World and Emily @ Ems Grand Ideas.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Ohh Hello Monday.
This morning I am linking up with Jenn and Jessica for 5 for Five again this week.
Here is a recap of my last week...
Green means Accomplish.... Red mean Boo I failed and Purple means... I sort of started!!
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Green means Accomplish.... Red mean Boo I failed and Purple means... I sort of started!!
Last Weeks Goals:
1. Go get my blood work done.
2. Play at least 2 days of Tennis. I did so bad. I didn't even play once.
3. Track my points 5/7 days. Not even one day. Seriously?!?
4. Take lots of pictures this week.I took a ton of pictures. Now I just need to figure out what I want to do with them all.
5. Cook a new meal.I did not even try. Never looked up a new one, I don't think I even cooked one meal last week. The whole week was just crazy.
2/5 is not acceptable. I need to do much better. But I will say that last week was just a very different week. I had alot of stuff going on. Lets see if I can get some better results for this upcoming week!
2/5 is not acceptable. I need to do much better. But I will say that last week was just a very different week. I had alot of stuff going on. Lets see if I can get some better results for this upcoming week!
This weeks goals:
1.Go to Spin Class. I have not gone since I joined the YMCA. I want to go to at least one this week.
2. Run 3 days!!! Geez, I have totally been slacking on my running. I need to get back into it. ASAP.
3. Go see some Camel and Ostrich Races. You read that right. Anthony and I are going to watch some Camel and Ostrich Races. If you live in the Houston area.. click HERE and look into it!
4. Relax. My blood work came back. The doctor wants to see me. Now I am freaking out about it. I hope nothing is really bad. :(
5. Take clothes to woman's Shelter. I have 3 big bags that need to go.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
I assume every high school has morning announcements I tend to have selective hearing during that time. But today, I heard a quote that really interested me.
It really stood out to me and I am not sure why. I thought it would be a great thing to post. So I hope that you make this day something special. I know I will, I am going see Zac Brown Band tonight!!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Dr Appointment
Today is the day. I finally made an appointment to go see my family doctor and get a wide variety of blood work done. As some you know, I am having a problem with my weight right now. I have always been a little on the heavier side, and just thought " oh I have time to lose it, I'm still young" I am still young, don't get me wrong :). But my dad has been having some issues and he went to see the neurologist yesterday about them. The Doctor seems to think most of it stems from him being overweight.
I am built identical to my dad. Which means, I have his genes and more than likely have inherited his high cholesterol and slow butt metabolism. Unlike my mom and brother who can literally eat anything and not gain a lb. My brother has trouble gaining weight, and mom can eat a half gallon of chocolate chip ice cream (blue bell which is THE best) and not gain anything. So unfair!
The point is, I want to make sure I get things under control sooner rather than later. I am super worried that they will find something really wrong and tell me I have 4 weeks to live (crazy I know, but its something I worry about). Wish me luck and say a little prayer for me!!
Monday, February 25, 2013
5 for Five!!
I am linking up with Jenn and Jessica for 5 for Five again this week. I just love this link up. I catch myself checking on my list during the week to see if I have accomplished any of it, or what I need to get done!
Here is a recap of my last week...
Green means Accomplish.... Red mean Boo I failed and Purple means... I sort of started!!
1. Spring Cleaning. This is purple because I only got thru the closet this week. But let me tell you, I cleaned the crap out of my closet. I ended up having 3 full bags that need to go to the local womens shelter. I feel really great about the progress that I made in there. It is amazing how much crap I had been holding on to for no reason at all.
2. Run my 5K this weekend in less than 36 min. SUCCESS!! See my post yesterday for the time!!
3. Join the YMCA. I was lucky enough that when I went in to join, the director of that current YMCA was standing at the front desk. I use to work for the YMCA in high school and he was my boss during that time. He waived all the joining fees and prorated my first month!! Great timing!
4. Lift 3 days this week. I got in 2 GREAT days of weight training in. So I will take that :)
5. Get things together. Updated some things and ready if the time comes!
All in all it was a very successful week for my 5 for five. Very happy with it.
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(5 for Five) |
Green means Accomplish.... Red mean Boo I failed and Purple means... I sort of started!!
Last weeks 5....
2. Run my 5K this weekend in less than 36 min. SUCCESS!! See my post yesterday for the time!!
3. Join the YMCA. I was lucky enough that when I went in to join, the director of that current YMCA was standing at the front desk. I use to work for the YMCA in high school and he was my boss during that time. He waived all the joining fees and prorated my first month!! Great timing!
4. Lift 3 days this week. I got in 2 GREAT days of weight training in. So I will take that :)
5. Get things together. Updated some things and ready if the time comes!
All in all it was a very successful week for my 5 for five. Very happy with it.
Now for this weeks list goals
1. Go get my blood work done. I have been really struggling with my weight loss. I am taking the advice of my bestie, and going to get a full blood work up done. I am very nervous about this. I am so scared they will find something is majorly wrong and tell me I have 3 weeks to live. (Its so stupid, but my biggest fear)
2. Play at least 2 days of Tennis. This one will be hard to get in. I am for sure playing on Tuesday with my mom. Just need to make sure I fit in one more day.
3. Track my points 5/7 days. I joined Weight Watchers again. I just hate the act of tracking food. It is so time consuming and just not a fan of it. But I know it has worked in the past.
4. Take lots of pictures this week. I have a great week planned out! I am going to see Zac Brown Band on Thursday at the Rodeo. Then Friday-Sunday, Anthony and I are going to San Antonio. We decided for Valentines day this year that we would not get gifts for each other but go on a weekend trip. So San Antonio and Sea World it is! I am super excited.
5. Cook a new meal. I have been doing pretty good with this one. Anyone have a good meal I could try?
Sunday, February 24, 2013
ConocoPhillips Rodeo 5K run
Saturday was a beautiful morning for a 5K race. It was one of those rare races that I have been in that started at 9:45. Not 730 or 8ish. This allowed for me sleep in a little. Which was awesome.
I have ran a few 5Ks in the last couple years, but have never really "trained for it" just sort of done it on a whim. This one, I am in the middle of training for a 10K so I thought I would set a goal for myself. All my other race times have been between 38-35 minutes. So for this one, I wanted to be done in less than 36 minutes. One of the major downsides to this race was that it was not a timed race. The 10K was the only timed race of the day. I have been using an app called Mapmyrun during my training days, so I figured I would go by the time off that.
There were so close to 10 thousand people running the 5K so it took a while to get across the start line. The scenery was nice. The beginning of the race was along the same route as the parade that would be going on after the run. So, there were lots of people lined up and they were cheering people along. It was pretty cool.
I ended up actually killing my goal of less than 36 minutes. My app said that my time was 31:07!! The thing that makes me wonder is that the app said the course was a total of 3.45 miles once I crossed the finish line. The clock on the end read 34:55. Considering it took me a good 2 minutes to even get across the start line, I think I did pretty dang well, even on the "race clock". But at the end of the day, I am going to go by my app time because that is what I have been training off of!! I added some pictures that I took while I was waiting the 45 minutes for the race to start.
Hope everyone has had an enjoyable weekend! I got to end the day by having a blast at the Houston Rodeo Cook off with Anthony and Jordanna. I took a couple pictures and will have to write a post this week.
Have a great rest of the weekend!!
I have ran a few 5Ks in the last couple years, but have never really "trained for it" just sort of done it on a whim. This one, I am in the middle of training for a 10K so I thought I would set a goal for myself. All my other race times have been between 38-35 minutes. So for this one, I wanted to be done in less than 36 minutes. One of the major downsides to this race was that it was not a timed race. The 10K was the only timed race of the day. I have been using an app called Mapmyrun during my training days, so I figured I would go by the time off that.
There were so close to 10 thousand people running the 5K so it took a while to get across the start line. The scenery was nice. The beginning of the race was along the same route as the parade that would be going on after the run. So, there were lots of people lined up and they were cheering people along. It was pretty cool.
I ended up actually killing my goal of less than 36 minutes. My app said that my time was 31:07!! The thing that makes me wonder is that the app said the course was a total of 3.45 miles once I crossed the finish line. The clock on the end read 34:55. Considering it took me a good 2 minutes to even get across the start line, I think I did pretty dang well, even on the "race clock". But at the end of the day, I am going to go by my app time because that is what I have been training off of!! I added some pictures that I took while I was waiting the 45 minutes for the race to start.
Hope everyone has had an enjoyable weekend! I got to end the day by having a blast at the Houston Rodeo Cook off with Anthony and Jordanna. I took a couple pictures and will have to write a post this week.
Have a great rest of the weekend!!
Friday, February 22, 2013
I heart Friday
It is Friday and I am so glad that it is
Like usual, I am linking up with Jeanett @ LifeRearranged for Insta-Friday. Enjoy.
This picture was taken one morning on the road to Anthony's house. The road is tree-lined and absolutely beautiful.
Even though Valentines day was last week. I amazingly still have my tulipsalive semi alive. I took this picture one more because the colors on the tulips are just so gorgeous. Tulips are slowly becoming my favorite flowers.
When I found out that our boys basketball team would be having a play off game in College Station, I jumped on the chance to go work it. In college we would spendmost EVERY Tuesday during the school year at Rosas Tacos for Taco Tuesdays. The closest one to me right now is in College Station. Soooooo I jumped on that opportunity to go eat Rosas ON a Tuesday. It was amazing.
I am still sending my bestie my accountability shots!! This was after a run on the treadmill. It was not easy. But I am glad I got it done. Even though I am struggling with my weight, I am slowly getting into a work out mode. Lets see how long I can keep it up.
Anthony has a friend that is getting married in April. This is their RSVP card. Anthony made me write in it because I have much better hand writing then him. (How many boys really have great handwriting? My roommate happens to be one of those girls that has perfect handwriting. I'm always jealous of it!) I have seen this type of RSVP on Pinterest several times, but never actually seen one in person. Anthony thought it was the funniest thing, and had a blast trying to figure out what to put in the blanks.
Look at Carter!!!! Picture says it all. ADORABLE
Like usual, I am linking up with Jeanett @ LifeRearranged for Insta-Friday. Enjoy.
Even though Valentines day was last week. I amazingly still have my tulips
When I found out that our boys basketball team would be having a play off game in College Station, I jumped on the chance to go work it. In college we would spend
I am still sending my bestie my accountability shots!! This was after a run on the treadmill. It was not easy. But I am glad I got it done. Even though I am struggling with my weight, I am slowly getting into a work out mode. Lets see how long I can keep it up.
Anthony has a friend that is getting married in April. This is their RSVP card. Anthony made me write in it because I have much better hand writing then him. (How many boys really have great handwriting? My roommate happens to be one of those girls that has perfect handwriting. I'm always jealous of it!) I have seen this type of RSVP on Pinterest several times, but never actually seen one in person. Anthony thought it was the funniest thing, and had a blast trying to figure out what to put in the blanks.
Look at Carter!!!! Picture says it all. ADORABLE
This is the Vera Bradley bag that I bought. I know that I talked about it in a previous post, I am just THAT excited for it to get here. :)
Hope everyone has a great weekend! I have my 1st 5K of the year tomorrow and I am ready for it!
Anyone doing anything fun this weekend?
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