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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Several Days..

Instead of doing a daily update of my October photo challenge, I decided to do a weekly update. In hopes that I will actually complete this one.

Here is the challenge...

{one} a selfie
Granted this was NOT from October 1st.  But it is a selfie

{two} fall leaves 

We don't really get fall leaves here. So I found the next closet thing. 
{three}night sky 
Usually I get a night sky picture before kick off of Football, but I was working Volleyball that evening so I ran outside and got this picture. Turned out to be a much prettier sky than I thought

{four} handwriting.... I failed miserable with this one. I tried and couldn't find anything for handwriting. oopps 

{five} make up

Look at that make up!! This guy is famous for the Houston Texans. We saw him at a tailgate in Arlington for the Texans/Cowboys game
{six} addiction - My addiction is completely of taking pictures of the sky. I do it all the time. My instagram is filled of pictures of the sky. 

I will add more probably next week. Hope everyone is having a great week!

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