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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Neat Stuff

So the last couple of days I have been surfing the world of blogs, and let me tell you. I am finding some awesome websites, and ideas that people have had for things. It like pinterest but in blogs!! There are so many creative people out there that have come up with such cool ideas and themes for parties, invitations and everything and anything in between.

Looking through these blogs, makes me want to do so many things. If only I had the time and the money to accomplish most of them! But I am getting great ideas for the apartment as well as for date nights.

One thing that I would really like to start doing is Wine Testings. There is a Groupon for one in the town I work in, and I am debating buying it.

One of the websites that I am starting to really like and finding some great things for gifts on is Etsy

Also Minted is a super cute website that does invitations, announcements, and all sorts of stationary items.

There is always the all to famous Pinterest. I could possibly spend hours on this website. Great food, Clothes, Ideas, Motivational quotes. It has it all. 

Thats it for today! Have a great Thursday!


  1. If Tony doesn't want to taste wine... I DOOOOO! :)

  2. I dont want to take him anyways!! You and I can go! I know Jen <3's wine as well.
