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Monday, April 23, 2012

The Bahamas Day 1 and 2

Day 1

Oh did this day but start out rocky! We arrived at the airport in timely fashion  ( so early that our flight wasn't even on the departure screen). The weather was pretty bad the night before but the weather reports said it was to be over before 3 am. Oh how that was a lie. Our flight was delayed a whopping 70 minutes. But that's not the kicker. It was the take off that made it a rocky morning. See, I have flown for years. Flying only bothers me a tad bit. Turbulence on the other hand scares the shit out of me. We took off in stormy weather and the turbulence was BAD. I am pretty sure my face turned ghost white at one point because I was positive the plane was going to crash   Thankfully once we got above the storm the flight was easy. I slept the whole way. Poor Anthony did not sleep but an hour the night before and he does not sleep well on planes. So he was pretty tired. 

We landed in Charlotte fully expecting to miss our connecting flight to Nassau but to our surprise not only did we make it, our bags did too!! The flight to Nassau was short and sweet. 

We landed in Nassau and met up with the rest of the crew that is working the same gig Anthony is. They are all such interesting yet really funny people. That kept giving Anthony shit bc he has never been the girlfriend type of guy, and here is he bringing me along AND staying an extra 2 nights here so we can spend some time together. 

After checking into the hotel, Anthony went straight to work and I didnt expect to see him till later that evening after rehearsal. So I took the time it unpack, and hit up this massive resort!! I layed out by the pool for a couple hours, then tried find my way back to the room (which took a little over an hour bc I got lost!). I explored the marina a little as well. I ended the night with a game of tetris and a lights out at 2 AM when anthony finally got back!! 

Day 2 

Woke up a little later than I'd like. Got up and we went to the market to grab some waters and snacks. Stuff here is STUPID expensive so snacks are a good way of us saving some mula. Anthony had a call back time of 12 so we split an appetizer for a mini lunch and he was off to work and I was off to the pool.

I went between the pool and beach several times. I just couldn't get enough of either. I figured since I didn't get much of a tan the day before I wouldn't apply as much sun block ( except for me face) and BOY was I wrong to do that. It was 7 hours after being off the beach and I was BURNT!!! And in weird places to top it off. 

The evening was the night of the big gig Anthony had to come out here and work. It was Match Box 20. They were GREAT!! I got to sit backstage and really enjoyed it.  I had this overwhelming feeling of...... I can't put it into words. I guess it was happiness,excitement, jubilance. I don't know.  See in August i got this new tattoo that says " Live for the moments you can't put into words". Since that it seems to be happening to me more and more often. Not just with Anthony but with most aspects of life. I am truly One happy individual.  And I have a slew of people that are to be the cause of my happiness. 

The View from our hotel room. It looked into the Marina Village

The view looking right out of balcony. It looks into the path way through between Paradise Island and Nassau

One of the beaches

The nurse sharks. There were shark sanctories everywhere around the resort

A day time view of the Atlantis Hotel

The beach I spend a lot of time laying on

 A view of the entire Atlantis resort

Such blue waters

One of the 5 pools I visited

At dusk

My view of the ocean from my chair

I got a great pool side chair at one point

Atlantis at night

My love!


  1. Because you are one of my favorite blogs to read, I put a link to your blog in my "Liebster Award" post, which celebrate blogs with less than 200 followers. Hope that's okay :)

    You can check it out here:
