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Monday, April 2, 2012

Gorgeous weather

The weather in Houston for the past several days has been absolutely glorious. It made for an exciting and out-door filled weekend.

Saturday: Granted I did have to work for almost 7 hours. I am thankful for the fact that it was outside. We had two baseball games scheduled. So, I planned accordingly for the most part. I brought my lawn chair, charged my IPad, and prepared to get some sun. What I did not prepare for was HOW much sun I would get in such a short period of time. I burnt the tops of my thighs and now have a lovely shorts tan line. Granted the games ran a little long, by 6 I was more than ready to get going.

                                                    Opps :)

                                         But it was such a pretty day that I couldn't not get some sun! 
The dinner portion of Saturday night was entertaining to say the least. I ended up going to dinner to help celebrate a friend passing her graduate school comps. But the evening ended up being me sitting on the far inside of a booth, trying to hide my face out of embarrassment of several drunk people with us. It was so bad that the friend who we were celebrating, we had to go back and apologize to the waiter, AND the manager. The managers response was " Yes, I heard about your table" 

Sunday afternoon was quite the perfect day! My roommate and I decided to take a trip to College Station so that we could eat at Rosa's Tacos. I absolutely LOVE Rosa's. Probably more for the college memories of Tuesday night dinner there, rather than the food actually being that great.

                         I pretty much put the queso on all of it, so its unhealthy to boot

After our delicious meal, we drove home a different route. The entire trip was absolutely beautiful. The sun was shining and the bluebonnets were out and a bloom. That is one of the nice things that about living in the "country" rather than in a big city. Once back at home, we changed into swim suits and layed out by the pool. Got to listen to a very intelluctal conversations on tattoos by a group of 4 people. The oldest being around 45 and we think the youngest was 19. So it was interesting to hear their views and how the conversation went. Needless to say, when we left, I am sure I was 10 points dumber on the IQ scale though.

                                      The pool looked so inviting, but I didn't get it

The evening ended with a trip to Walmart and a decent nights rest!! The good part...the boyfriend comes home tonight!!

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