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Monday, December 10, 2012

5 for five

Link Up 

So I have decided to join this 5 for five link up. It is hosted by Jessica  and Jen. I have some friends who have been doing it, and I decided to jump on the band wagon!! I make a list every day when I get to work of things I need to accomplish, so this will be good for my personal life!!.... here we go... 

5 Goals I want to accomplish this week. 

1. Do not eat fast food at all: I have been really trying to cut this out of my diet. 

2. Finish ALL my Christmas shopping: Friday is pay day. I am hoping that Friday Moring/Saturday Afternoon I can check off everything in my Christmas Planner

3. Complete week 2 of my couch to 10K: I am planning on running a 10 K in April sometime. 

4. Finish my bowl picks: I am in 2 bowl pick games. I need to finish these ASAP

5. Find an outfit for Ashleys Wedding this weekend: A friend of mine is getting married on Satuday. I am so excited to see her marry the love of her life! 

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