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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Does 8 make me a runner?

 What makes a person a "runner"? 

I have been training for a half marathon since January. It is a goal that a friend and I set to out to do. She is one of those people that when she puts her mind into something, she goes for it. She has an ungodly amount of self control and motivation. (I am extremely jealous) I also lived with lovely Julie from Journey to 26.2, who has the same self determination as the girl I am training with. I so wish, that it would have rubbed off on me.

Anyways,  we are using Hal Higdon's Novice Half Marathon Training. For the beginning of it, the long runs were 4-5 miles, which I could do. Not easily, but I knew that I could do them.  So I didn't really stick to the weekly training runs. This past week, we ran 7 on our long run. 7 freaking miles. My previous longest was during my one and only 10K. So I am pretty sure that I had a huge mental block there. But I didn't do any of my weekly runs, thinking "eh, I'll be okay" Holy Wrong I was!!. There was a point that I looked at my friend and almost told her to get the firefighters from the nearby firehouse, because I was NOT going to be able to finish. Thankfully, she made me finish.

 Even A said to me Sunday night after I ran "Maybe you should do your weekly runs, it would make the longer runs easier"

Needless to say, this week is an 8 week run, and I have been doing the weekly runs. Yesterday, was a short run. 4 miles. WHAT? short run 4 miles? That used to be a long run for me.

So my question becomes, what do you think qualifies a person to be a runner?  I am curious because I feel like that is a huge title, and I am in no way qualified for that.

Jen (the girl I am running with) and I went to Lukes Locker Sunday to buy new shoes, and all I wanted to buy was the 13.1 sticker that goes on cars. Is it strange that I am excited to just finish the run, but I am 10 times more excited to put that sticker on my car?  Last time I was this excited for a sticker on my car, it was my TCU Alumni sticker. (Let me tell you, College was one hard time for me. I am a proud college graduate of Texas Christian University. People ask if it was hard to get into school there, my response was always .... "it was harder to stay in school"... side note: ask my brother about that "the smart kid" of the family... mr. almost got kicked out because of my grades at TCU.- Major side note!)

Well I am off to get some work done.

I have an exciting afternoon planned. Can't reveal it yet, hopefully it will work out. :) Wish me luck.


  1. I think it's the mentality that make a person a runner, not the mileage they can do.

    Also, do the weekly runs. Running a half marathon isn't just about getting the long runs in on the weekend. That won't be enough. The miles during the week build up as well and your total weekly mileage increases to increase your cardio fitness. I know Hal's plan includes speed work and tempo runs. Don't skip those, they have a purpose. If your body can't handle it that day, maybe run easy instead but get your body used the stress of increases work. Just my thoughts about it.

  2. I think just running a mile or two makes you a I do neither! And am super jealous of anyone who can run even 1 mile and enjoy it! I'm gonna start working on that! :)
