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Thursday, May 17, 2012

11 Questions

11 Questions

I found this on a random blog I was reading today ( Work is pretty slow, that or I really do not want to do work today) She had been tagged to do it from someone else, So I decided to just tag someone in this one for them to do it. I am going to tag my lovely Roommate!! Both of us had mentioned that we didn't really have anything to blog about today, So here is your no excuse... love you :)  TAG Julie @ Journey to 26.2 

1. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Either Colorado or South Carolina. I know they are pretty complete opposite. We use to go to South Carolina for the summers and I just LOVE the whole feel of the place. Colorado simply because of the weather. The gorgious summers and the cold winters. I love.. Love...LOVE the snow. 

2. What's the nicest thing someone has ever said to you (or complimented you on)?
This is going to sound extremely corny.  My parents have called me beautiful before, but it is in their DNA to believe that. The other day Anthony crawled in bed, snuggled up to me and goes " I love you Beautiful" It meant the world to me. I am not sure why.  But it did. 

3. What's your biggest pet peeve?
People telling me to CALM DOWN (Julie I swear if you comment "Calm down" I'll change the locks!!!), Kids not respecting elders, People who don't know how to drive, and last but not least, When someone tells me how to do my job (Its different if you are trying to help. But if you have NO idea what I do, then please keep your mouth shut)

4. What's your best and worst quality (if you'll admit it - ha!)?
Best quality- I truly care about people. I am a big fan of sending people little emails, or text messages just saying " I hope you have a great day" or things. People take it as me being fake but I really do care.
Worst Quality- I am stubborn as crap, and I can have an attitude sometimes.  

5. Coffee or tea? And what do you put in it?
UN-Sweet Tea. Yes, I am from Texas and I don't like Sweet Tea... so shoot me. 

6. Would you rather go out dancing or see a movie?
Both? There are always nights when I just chill and watch a movie, but then there are some nights where I want to put on the cowboy boots and go to the Honky Tonk! (Oh geez, I am turning country)

7. What's your greatest accomplishment so far?
Graduating TCU

8. What is your biggest goal/dream?
To get my Masters. 

9. What's your favorite song? And can you actually sing? ;)
Friends In Low Places by Garth Brooks. Yes, I know every word. 

10. What is the messiest room in your house?
My Bathroom

11. Why did you start a blog?

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