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Friday, September 28, 2012

Insta-Friday Link Up

 Friday, I love you!! Last Friday, I sadly missed the Link-Up. I actually had a Friday night off (That is super rare in the fall) so I decided to work on grad school stuff and relax. So I am back in full force for today's Insta-Friday Link Up with Jeannett @ Life Rearranged 

I got to go on a private jet to a football game. 
I think that is pretty legit. 
I saw the sunrise
I saw the sunset

Oh my loving boyfriend
He slept on the plane ride to the game 
He will kill me if he sees I put this on here :) 

So we went to Anthonys parents house on Sunday to Celebrate his dads birthday
We watched football most the time 
These 2 did not watch the game

Wednesday night, Julie and I went Hooters with some other ATs in the area. 
She pointed this out 
I got a great laugh out it
I thought about ordering it
If the waitress had come over within 30 minutes of that thought
then again... she never came over.. I had to get up to get my own water
Good thing I wasn't paying

Dumb Replacement refs 
Please go to this website.... Replacement Google
It is hilarious
THANK GOD the real refs are back :) 

Someone put this on Facebook. It really hit home the day I read it. 

Can someone please point out the mistake?
Its okay if you don't see it right away
Neither did Mike or I
I finally caught it about 3 hours later....yes... 3 hours later

Anthony and I.
People like this picture.
I think its okay. 

Our Pilot/Anthony's roommate
Thank you Mike for flying us!!
Good Luck on your interview on the 1st!!! 

I tried something new with my hair on Sunday
It turned out quite well 
Will have to try it again some time soon!

Hope everyone has a great and exciting weekend. We are suppose to get rain all  Friday Night- Sunday Morning. I am one happy girl about that. Nothing better than laying on the couch and letting it rain outside! 

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